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Messages - LucianParaian

The new FV Mode on eos R and RP is the answer to this.
General Chat / Re: Full time effort - Blender model
July 23, 2019, 10:57:17 AM
Just a few more points:

I think a Canon collaboration is out of the question. They deliberately cripple the cameras.

I'm trying to see ML as an addon, a piece of software installed on a machine, to patch the original software. I don't need to tell you that there are millions of cases where people charge money for addons/plugins. Legally, if the right steps are followed, I'm sure it can be done, without upsetting Canon. After all, you are driving camera sales.

With a decent payment, I'm sure there will be people willing to learn to work on ML, if the current devs won't want to quit their jobs.

Where do you get the money? I would like to believe that there are a lot more quiet ML users out there, especially businesses, that with a promise of a stable product, would chip in to make that happen.

And finally, if you set up a not-for-profit organization, a business, a charity or whatever else, there will be the option to apply for grants, do some proper marketing and stop being a garage band.

The most difficult thing and probably the pitfall, is managing people to get a thing going.
General Chat / Re: Full time effort - Blender model
July 22, 2019, 06:25:52 PM
I was only hinting at the Development Fund way of getting a set number of devs involved and working full time on ML. This is to eliminate the uncertainty, the waiting game and rewarding the people involved as they deserve.

The rest of the Blender business model may be a different kind of beast, but the way they are raising money has successfully worked towards bringing a finished free product to the masses.

After all, I don't see the negative behind being money driven. Everyone wants to make a living doing what they like and believe in. Ton is just one guy, but behind him are dozens of contributors that started off as hobbyists.
General Chat / Full time effort - Blender model
July 22, 2019, 03:08:05 PM
I know this is sensitive subject and it's not like I haven't been reading the forum, but here I am with my suggestion towards a full time involvement and payment for a number of developers.
Please feel free to retaliate, especially if there's something I'm missing...  :)

The idea is that ML has the potential of being a serious effort, not just a hobby for the developers, which can take the development of ML as their full time job and I'm sure the community will be happy to support this. 

My inspiration for this idea is Blender, who recently have launched a campaign for attracting enough funds to support full time developers working on the software, by having different levels of membership, milestones and targeting the corporate world as well:
I think they are paying something like 5k euro/month/developer.
Have a good look and tell me why this can't be done for ML.

There might be a need for organization to be legally registered and so on and someone to take care of the management, I'm not saying it's going to be easy, but the results could be beneficial for all.
Whether you do this via Patreon or whatever, it doesn't matter.

For anyone that hasn't heard of Blender before, Blender is a 100% free and open source 3D creation suite. More details here:


I always wanted to have this feature available.
Among other things, I shoot weddings and for interiors I use M + auto iso (no flash), but the cameras aren`t always spot on with the exposure. So adjusting that with an EC feature, would be a major improvement!
General Help Q&A / Re: 6D: Chroma keying
September 05, 2014, 12:54:39 PM
If you`re shooting anything other than RAW, stop trying. You`ll never get good results with h264, because of the chroma subsampling, which is horrendous in compressed mp4!

The only way to go about shooting on green screen is raw.
Forum and Website / Re: Forum ideas
July 14, 2014, 12:03:37 PM
I know it might be off topic, but I`ve got some ideas for the nightlies downloads page. And with this, a lot of unnecessary talks an topics on the forum might be avoided.

1. For each Nightly build it would be great to show the number of downloads

2. Each Nightly build could have a small comments section, just like the change log pop up, but open to anyone, where users that have downloaded and used the build can leave their comments on the safety and functionality of said build.
I think there should be a large banner somewhere (or a sticky thread) saying:

Use only UDMA 7 enabled USB3 card readers with Komputerbay cards, to avoid any problems...  :D

Not sure if you can fix the card, but you might be able to recover data with one of those card recovery software. There are plenty around.
Can`t recommend any, since I never used one.
Duplicate Questions / Re: Z-Depth
June 05, 2014, 11:36:19 AM
My main concern and reply was related to the topic idea raised by jsimard01 in the first post.
I`m a 3D artist myself, so I know what he is talking about.
All the other posts are addressing different solutions, around the raised issue, not straight at it.

So yeah, i think the 'voodoo' solution was the nearest :D

@poromaa: Of course you can get great DOF with f22. but can you use that anytime anywhere?
Duplicate Questions / Re: Z-Depth
June 04, 2014, 02:57:57 PM
Great idea. Google has already implemented something similar in their mobile app:

There is a major problem though.
Say you somehow manage to obtain a Z-depth map of what`s in front of the camera.
In order for a selective focus to be successfully applied, you need infinite depth of field (or near) in the captured photos. Which is what you are getting in the rendered image out of the 3D software.
So the problem with Canon DSLRs, you can achieve great depths of field in very few conditions. Because of the size of the sensor.

Same problem goes for the slightly moved camera method. (Works for phones though - huge depth of field)

I`m sure it was asked or talked about it before. Sorry I couldn`t find the topic..

Why is the max height in 3x crop mode 1076, instead of 1251 (as I think it should logically be... 3753:3=1251)

I`ve recorded, in 1x mode, video with the max height of 1250 (not 16/9).

Thank you!!
Installed today on 5d MkII 212 nightlies: magiclantern-Nightly.2014Apr05.5D2212 or magiclantern-Nightly.2014Apr09.5D2212 (fresh install after older vers uninstalled)

All frames were pink with mlv_rec. (they were all right when played in camera) + most of the times, blue light turns on during recording and stays on forever.

No problem with raw_rec though..

Anyone might know where the problem is?

Thank you.
Just wanted to share the solution I found for reducing aliasing artefacts.

Taking sick stu`s idea into account, I applied a Field Blur Filter in Photoshop!!! 3 times, with the size of 1 pixel.
(You first need to convert your video layer into a smart object so the filter will be applied to the whole vid.)
Afterwards, you could apply an unsharp mask if you think it has lost sharpness.

The end result is not perfect, but I was happy with it.

Let me know how this is working for you. Or if you improved it in any way.