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Messages - fotosav

Quote from: evnewsphoto on April 03, 2014, 02:46:13 AM
then I added the correct 5D3-113-bootflag.fir ... and nothing, no ML at all. What is missing?
Did you format SD card by EOScard.exe? As I understand SD-card should be bootable.
Quote from: bluewater on April 02, 2014, 10:21:53 AM
Parallel processing at once per CPU core. (at least 4 converting processes at a time.)
Some info:
"There is now an export queue which processes jobs in sequence. However, the old MOV encoding doesn't use the queue yet, only new DNG exporting."
I have tested different tools (MlRawViewer 1.1.3, MLVMystic 0.3, MLV Converter 1.9.1, MLVViewSharp) for converting MLV to DNG-files. The generated DNGs are compared in two Photoshop layers (I have set Difference blending mode). The results are different (I use default settings in tools).
Only two cases are equal - MLV Converter (Chroma Smooting = none) is equal to MLVViewSharp tool.

1) Why DNG results are different? Do convertors change the native RAW-data stored in MLV file? What algorithm or base code they are use?
I noticed MLV Converter has mlv2dng.exe. Is it base code core for MLV processing?
2) How to get native RAW (DNG) from MLV? What tool export the true result without any modifications?
3) What tool get the best result? As I understand native RAW-data from camera maybe with some artifacts.
4) Now I use MLV module. Is any different between .MLV and .RAW video modules? Are .MLV and .RAW frames equals?

Sorry for my bad English :)
Quote from: elfrabo on March 29, 2014, 10:10:33 PM
When using mlrawviewer the video looks like crap: not sharp and colors are all washed out and sort of pinkish.
Please help: what am I doing wrong?
It is preview.
Click "Export" (E key on keyboard or Red icon on left panel) to export to DNG and then look DNG :)
Also see issues about ACR color profiles:
MlRawViewer is very nice tool! Love it!
I have a suggestion - it is very IMPORTANT for me: Add ability to embed ACR color profiles (flag ?) to DNG exported files.

I noticed when I convert MLV by mlrawviewer.exe (1.1.3) the Canon profiles are not available in "Camera Calibration" tab ("Embedded" is only available):

When I convert MLV by MLVBrowseSharp.exe the Canon profiles are available (Camera Standard, Camera Portrait, Camera Landscape, etc)!

See also:
Bassman2003, you right - the Adobe and Embedded profiles have wrong colors (yellow color is shifted to green for me).

I noticed when I convert MLV by mlrawviewer.exe (1.1.3) the Canon profiles are not available in "Camera Calibration" (embedded only).
When I convert MLV by MLVBrowseSharp.exe the Canon profiles are available!
What tool do you use to convert MVL files?
What tool is the best?
Bassman2003, thanks!
Quote from: Bassman2003 on March 24, 2014, 02:51:19 PM
When you open a .DNG file using Adobe Camera RAW, you have the option to load pre-made color profiles for your camera.  This under the "Camera Calibration" icon.  Adobe has made some like "Camera Faithful", "Camera Standard" or you have the option to create your own using the Adobe DNG Profiler software.
As I remember the 7.3 version of ACR has no these profiles (Camera Standard, etc). The ACR 8.4 beta has it, see picture:

Embedded - what's this? ???
Quote from: Bassman2003 on March 24, 2014, 12:13:44 AM
now I have profiles in ACR.
What is "profiles in ACR" mean?
Could you explain where in After Effects I can see ACR profiles to adjust color?
Quote from: Midphase on March 19, 2014, 08:24:36 PM that case maybe this has more to do with the way the image is being debayered?
I have converted DNG via DaVinci_Resolve_Lite_10.1.2.
It looks like Resolve get more accurate result (and more soft) - Resolve vs ACR:
Quote from: ted ramasola on March 19, 2014, 08:39:19 PM
what resolution in crop mode did you use to record that image which showed aliasing?
Res: 1920x1080 | Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III | Lens: EF16-35mm f/2.8L II USM at 16 mm (79 mm) f/8,00 | Expo: ISO 320 1/33 s | Style: Landscape | WB: 5200K

do you use Da Vinci Resolve Lite? Could you convert my DNG ( to TIFF via Resolve? Unfortunately, I cannot run Resolve on my computer.
Quote from: SteveScout on March 19, 2014, 12:25:44 PM
But how did you manage to get exactly the same framing from the H.264 and the crop mode? You would need to use another lense to correct for the crop mode .. much much wider.
Yes, exactly - I use f=50 mm for H.264/photo shots and f=16 mm for crop video (16*3=48mm). See depth of field. The crop mode has wider DOF (because f=16 mm).

Quote from: SteveScout on March 19, 2014, 12:25:44 PM
From the picture I´d assume that this is not crop mode .. and this is why you see binning artefacts.
It is crop mode. The crop mode and not crop mode have the same artefacts.
Is there information about how ML receives data from sensor and converts it to DNG?
Quote from: Midphase on March 18, 2014, 06:01:04 AM
raw video is still using binned pixels
What "binned pixels" mean? I use crop mode - what is difference between CR2 stills and DNG raw? As I understand the crop mode get 1:1 actual data from sensor like CR2 - is it correct?

Thanks anyway for answer!
First, many thanks for ML! RAW video is amazing! :)

I using Canon 5D mark III and MLV module (2014Feb11, 2014Feb24 builds).
This is my first experience and I noticed the raw video frame (.DNG) and sRAW still image (.CR2) are different.
The DNG has some aliasing artifacts and more noise - see picture.
I have tested scaled and crop modes, the result is RAW video has aliasing artifacts and more noise for the same Camera RAW settings.

1) Is it normal?
2) Have others tools the same aliasing for output? Can anyone convert this DNG-frame use DaVinci Resolve? Resolve Lite is not working on my computer.
3) What is the optimal settings for Sharpening and Noise reduction in Adobe Camera RAW for RAW video?
Please tell about your experience.

DNG frame:

I use Adobe Camera RAW 8.3:
Sharpening = 40/1.0/25/0 (Sharped)
Noise = No reduction (Default)

Resolve vs Adobe CameraRaw:
Raw Video Postprocessing / Re: Avid DNxHD Question
March 13, 2014, 10:21:45 PM
QuickTime is required.
After Avid is installed you should move files from
C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTComponents\
C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\
Quote from: llirik on February 21, 2014, 11:54:40 AM
Has audio recording been restored in any builds since september? Searched the forums but wasn't able to find anything conclusive.
I have tested two builds: - no sound module (mlv_snd), no sound in MLV file; - has sound module (mlv_snd) and sound is in MLV file exist.

To turn sound ON go in Audio tab and set MLV Sound = ON
Raw Video / mlv_rec 30fps with Lexar 1000x 32GB?
February 19, 2014, 09:06:18 PM
Thanks for "How to" guide!

Is it possible to continuous recording 30 fps for 1920x1080 with Lexar 1000x 32GB?
I use
mlv_rec module

24/25 fps continuous recording works fine! :)

30 fps (29.97) - the recording time is 9-10 sec.
Is any way to make card more fast? Special formatting?

I also noticed the 32GB Lexar is more fast then 64GB/128GB Lexar cards:

raw_rec module show 89-91MB/s
What is bitrate for 30 fps?

1 DNG file is about 3 670 178 bytes
30 fps ~105MB/s
25 fps ~ 87MB/s
Is it correct?