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Messages - dspographer

Have you done any studies to see how stable the clipping point is? I am wondering if the fixed level chosen for .CR2 files might be too high for some circumstances. Some major things that come to mind that might change the clipping point are: battery voltage, temperature, and camera to camera variation.
Have you looked at saturation vs which of the parallel read channels is being used? I am wondering if the 2 apparent clipping points in your plot are from different read channels.
Quote from: a1ex on January 27, 2014, 07:35:24 PM
cr2hdr --iso-curve

I wish it was like that, but could not find any sign of it. A graph from last night, with ADTG gain lowered much under the sweet spot:

(I could not find any correlation between these variations and the actual signal data, so I believe they are just noise)

Also, I could not see any nonlinearity on the graph from Roger Clark. So, for practical purposes, the data is linear and clips abruptly.
I haven't read this entire thread, so I don't know if this has been discussed: but the raw converter should be updated to be able to handle the new type of saturation. I asked the libraw author what needs to be done and this was his answer: