Hi Goran, cool to see this in action!
FYI, I was the one providing the log formulas
Just my 2c: I'd recommend to stick with S-Log2, as this is the most accurate formula that was available (via Sony whitepaper). S-Log2 is S-Log with a different exposure (mid gray at different value), but the same formula. There are also interesting 1D technical LUTs available (S-Log2 to r709 for example).
Cheers and rock on!
FYI, I was the one providing the log formulas
Just my 2c: I'd recommend to stick with S-Log2, as this is the most accurate formula that was available (via Sony whitepaper). S-Log2 is S-Log with a different exposure (mid gray at different value), but the same formula. There are also interesting 1D technical LUTs available (S-Log2 to r709 for example).
Cheers and rock on!