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Messages - seku

agreed on the exFAT part. and ML, you're making dreams come true !

i'd never have thought to have the possibility, but i just got a few lexar cards, and a 1TB scratch SSD for the dng files for editing... i can try a RAW workflow ...this holiday trip shall be a lot funnier than i initially thought!
Thanks rob_6 and andy kh :)

t'was the Disable G Draw, works perfectly now, thanks a lot !
Hi all,

been trying for a few hours now to get this to work, but I'm a bit clueless ... and feeling bad posting for help with my low postcount :/

- On my 5Dmk3, I've tried with installing yesterday's as well as today's nightly, and activated filemanager, mlv-rec, and mlv-play, then enabled mlv-rec. records just fine.
- downloaded mlv-snd from the first post in this thread, activated it as well, and enabled mlv-snd. i get the big reddish audiobars fine when recording.
- on OSX Mavericks, i installed mlv_dump.osx, made it executable and ran the --dng command: it extracts the DNG's just perfectly, but i just do not manage to get an assorted wav file.

Any pointers to where i missed an obvious step?