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Messages - ltboots

Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
October 19, 2013, 07:08:49 PM
Quote from: RenatoPhoto on September 29, 2013, 08:40:53 PM
Actually the recording is really 5X, but I am going to 10x so LV freezes and allows for faster recording at 5X

10x raw record not frozen on tragiclantern-v2.3.NEXT.2013Oct11.7D203 for me. I don't know why, but it only works if you cycle through display modes first. Something specific in the MAGIC.CFG as well. Here is the cfg I use.

# Magic Lantern v2.3.NEXT.2013Oct11.7D203 (dd08a07137b8 (unified) tip)
# Built on 2013-10-12 03:28:27 UTC by [email protected]
# Configuration saved on 2013/10/19 12:45:23
beta.warn = 19
menu.first = -3
bitrate.indicator = 1
time.indicator = 0
uniwb.correction = 0
arrows.iso_kelvin = 0 = 0
arrows.set = 0
bv.av = 16 = 103
bv.iso = 77
screen_layout.ext = 4
screen_layout.lcd = 2
shutter.lock.value = 96
enable-liveview = 0
focus.rack.delay = 0
focus.wait = 0
fps.override.idx = 32
battery.drain.rate.rev = 89
hist.draw = 0
audio.mgain = 0
audio.monitoring = 0
audio.filters = 0
spotmeter.draw = 0
waveform.draw = 0
focus.peaking.disp = 1
focus.peaking.thr = 10
focus.peaking.filter.edges = 1
zebra.draw = 0
global.draw = 0
disp.mode.x = 0
disp.mode.c = 145
disp.mode.b = 257
disp.mode.a = 257
lv.disp.profiles = 1
beep.enabled = 0