Quote from: sqd on March 12, 2014, 10:55:33 PMYes, very true about the CA, luckily I've been able to fix those issues in my shots so far, but one day.. you never know!Automatic fixing in ACR just didn't work for me - a lot of manual labor in PS was the result.
To show how easy it is w/ the Samyang I did a quick comparison here - done in seconds automatically in ACR w/ my default Samyang 85mm profile. Note especially the mannequin's heads and the neon signs (click pict for hires):

Quote from: sqd on March 12, 2014, 10:55:33 PMAnd looking at sample images, the bokeh is very nice on the Samyang.The bokeh this lens produces is just a dream
Quote from: sqd on March 12, 2014, 10:55:33 PMThanks for the info. Might pick one up and sell either one when I've decided which one I like the mostGood idea :-) Sometimes you can get them brand new and very cheap on eBay from people who can't handle the manual focusing - that's how I got mine *g*
cheers all!