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Messages - agaetis

Hi, I'm a ML user from about 1 year, first on 55od and now on 7d.
I'd like to ask you something about the 7d, audio corner. After I boot ML, even if in the ML menĂ¹ the light on 'audio' is turn to green, I can't see the audio meters on the live view top. This happen only in the pre-rec session, because then they appear when I press the recording button and they are active during the recording.
I've seen in a tutorial on youtube that the meters should be visible also in the pre rec situations, as it happens to me with the 550d. Is it possible? Eventually, how can I do ?

However. Thank you for what you did. Magic Lantern and Magic lantern team is something great.

ps. hope to see a autobootable version,first or then, it would help a lot !