Quote from: davidanthonyparkinson on July 05, 2013, 03:13:09 AM
Film I shot a week ago using the latest RAW build. I was able to shoot 4-5 second bursts of slow mo 50fps RAW. The results blew me away. Dynamic range is what I'm interested in and it really looks like alexa or film stock. Enjoy!
Filmed on Canon Mk3 using Magic Lantern RAW beta build 21/6/2013.
Filmed at 1920p 50fps in approx. 4-5 second bursts on KomputerBay 128gig (Buffer then runs out).
Grading is only very light. The pictures coming straight out of the camera are phenomenal.
The detail and dynamic range are really unbelievable. A couple of shots have been stabilized in post.
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Canon L series glass. 16mm-35mm f2.8 II, 24mm-105mm f4, 35mm f1.4, 100mm 2.8 II macro
Glide Cam HD2000
Cut with PR 6 and AE 6
Graded in Premiere with 3 way colour wheel.
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Music: Sea Oleena "Swimming Story"
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Shot/Cut by: David Anthony Parkinson
Girl: Sybil Lebois
Incredible! well done.