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Messages - SanchYESS

Quote from: a1ex on February 04, 2018, 09:27:45 PM
Sorry, I don't edit video, and I have no plans to learn this overnight; will leave it to the community for now. By design, all video and audio frames are timestamped at microsecond level. However, whether your workflows use this metadata or not, I have no idea.

Adding pre-recording support will require implementing the same logic in mlv_snd; with the vanilla version from g3gg0, the easiest thing to do was to simply record all the sound (including the paused sections from the video clip) and let the postprocessing tools figure it out later (from timestamps). The only side effect is a bit of storage space wasted, and a bit of extra burden on the postprocessing tools.

What I can try would be to add an option to mlv_dump to discard the extra audio data (not matched by any video frames), but I'd be surprised if there aren't any post workflows that can already handle this.

Offset is ufortunately slightly different.
I currently have max 133 clips but barely the third of them needs to be synced so I can do it manually (and I have separately recorded audio so anyway I have to) but it would be great to add option to sync audio while converting with mlv_dump. Anyone knows if some other tool can use timestamps to sync?
Quote from: pc_bel on February 14, 2018, 10:13:49 AM
...Even although I read all the messages related to the new audio implementation, I have a doubt. My audio is still out of sync. I'm using MLVFS to get the DNGs and using the last ML version (5feb) in a 5Dmk3. Is this a bug to solve? or is a problem with my particular workflow? (MLVFS to get DNGs and direct import to PremierePro CC2018).

Audio records a bit extra before first and after last frame (which is may be helpful), I use mlv_dump, import video and audio into Resolve separately then sync manually. A bit longer but fine by me.
For magiclantern-crop_rec_4k.2018Feb04.5D3123:
-straight to resolve the sound is still a bit unsynced like 0.5 sec.
-more serious bug - sound ignores prerec and records since first press.

Second audio track is the same from clip but inserted separately and synced manually.

Good news - mlv_dump does not jump frame nums anymore.
Yet another boring test:

This time, odd nums missed too, 2560x1440 gives longer pieces without num jumping but longer delay between sound and video rec starting. Did not notice any frame drops so just a bit more time in post needed, maybe simple renaming script would be a temporary workaround.
OMG I've been waiting this for looong time! mlv_lite + mlv_snd = great! You are magicians! But some issues:
1. mlv_dump (latest from crop_rec_4k) seems to miss numbers in frames' names, looks like no missing frames, all parts with no gaps stay synced with the sound, I've got 373-375, 753-755 and 1133-1135 (like even numbers are missing)
(plz ignore my fancy pants :D)

2. Sound starts recording before several frames and stops after.

*file deleted*

Same with crop 3K 1:1 2560x1440. I think it is still usable with clapper for syncing.

5D3 1.2.3, external stereo mic, ML build magiclantern-crop_rec_4k.2018Feb02.5D3123, SanDisk Extreme Pro 128GB
Got messages about lossless.c:338 everytime when trying to record at 1080x48p with crop_rec, after a couple seconds after starting recording. Three times this:
at ../silent/lossless.c:338 (lossless_compress_raw_rectangle), task compress_task
lv:1 mode:3

compress_task stack: 1b08e0 [1b09d0-1af9d0]
0x00A29BF0 @ a23710:1b0970 <- difference
0x00069FA8 @ a29eec:1b0910 <- difference
0x00069868 @ 6a014:1b08e0

Magic Lantern version : crop_rec_4k.2017Aug22.5D3123
Mercurial changeset   : 7c4a1262ac3e (crop_rec_4k) tip
Built on 2017-08-22 16:34:20 UTC by jenkins@nightly.
Free Memory  : 135K + 3688K <- difference

And three times this:
at ../silent/lossless.c:338 (lossless_compress_raw_rectangle), task compress_task
lv:1 mode:3

compress_task stack: 1b08e0 [1b09d0-1af9d0]
0x00A29C40 @ a23760:1b0970
0x00069FA8 @ a29f3c:1b0910
0x00069868 @ 6a014:1b08e0

Magic Lantern version : crop_rec_4k.2017Aug22.5D3123
Mercurial changeset   : 7c4a1262ac3e (crop_rec_4k) tip
Built on 2017-08-22 16:34:20 UTC by jenkins@nightly.
Free Memory  : 141K + 3724K

On a build before Aug 20 it failed too and told me to decrease vertical resolution.
Same for me, tried to reinstall ML, error appears when I switch to video mode with RAW Video on or turn RAW Video on while in video mode. Crash logs say this:

ASSERT: IsSuiteSignature( hSuite )
at ./PackMemory/PackMem.c:599, task RscMgr
lv:0 mode:3

RscMgr stack: 151e68 [151f90-150f90]
0xUNKNOWN  @ de48:151f88
0xUNKNOWN  @ 17bbc:151f60
0x000178B4 @ ff0ed8c0:151f28
0xUNKNOWN  @ 178e4:151f18
0xUNKNOWN  @ 1796c:151ef8
0x0000AEB0 @ ff201904:151eb0
0x00001900 @ aef8:151ea0
0x00069868 @ 69b58:151e68

Magic Lantern version : crop_rec_4k.2017Aug22.5D3123
Mercurial changeset   : 96c5204df97b (crop_rec_4k) tip
Built on 2017-08-22 08:40:04 UTC by jenkins@nightly.
Free Memory  : 141K + 3732K


ASSERT: IsSuiteSignature( hSuite )
at ./PackMemory/PackMem.c:983, task compress_task
lv:1 mode:3

compress_task stack: 1b08d0 [1b09d0-1af9d0]
0x00A295A0 @ a230c0:1b0970
0x0000B1D0 @ a296c8:1b0910
0x00001900 @ b1f4:1b0908
0x00069868 @ 69b58:1b08d0

Magic Lantern version : crop_rec_4k.2017Aug22.5D3123
Mercurial changeset   : 96c5204df97b (crop_rec_4k) tip
Built on 2017-08-22 08:40:04 UTC by jenkins@nightly.
Free Memory  : 141K + 3724K


ASSERT: IsSuiteSignature( hSuite )
at ./PackMemory/PackMem.c:599, task Epp
lv:0 mode:3

Epp stack: 17dbc0 [17dca8-17d0a8]
0xUNKNOWN  @ de48:17dca0
0xUNKNOWN  @ 17bbc:17dc78
0x000178B4 @ ff0de67c:17dc58
0xUNKNOWN  @ 178e4:17dc48
0xUNKNOWN  @ 1796c:17dc28
0x0000AEB0 @ ff185a48:17dc08
0x00001900 @ aef8:17dbf8
0x00069868 @ 69b58:17dbc0

Magic Lantern version : crop_rec_4k.2017Aug22.5D3123
Mercurial changeset   : 96c5204df97b (crop_rec_4k) tip
Built on 2017-08-22 08:40:04 UTC by jenkins@nightly.
Free Memory  : 141K + 3731K
Ok, don't hit me ::) All works :) The service guy just turned it on and it came alive :D I think he is a wizard or shaman :o
Quote from: Doyle4 on August 11, 2014, 03:43:06 PM
Have you tried using the ML bootable card program? give it a shot, the camera maybe looking for the .bin file.
Whats happened seems to me is not ML related, good luck buddy.

Tried some of test tools from here, same result.
Quote from: budafilms on August 09, 2014, 08:23:57 AM
- Full battery. No cards.
- Turn On.

- Format Card in the computer.
- Formatted card in the camera.
- Format Card in the camera.

- If everything works, start again with ML.

It does not turn on either with or without card, even with full battery (tried now), just nothing happens, does not connect via USB. I think the firmware has corrupted.
Later will take it to the service.
Guess who is lucky guy :D
NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!111 (c) It refuses to react on half-charged battery :'(
Nothing. At one moment I noticed blinking low bat but I have batteries not completely empty. But I may be wrong. Sitting near the charger, waiting... Maybe I'm an epic looser ???
Hello! Maybe I panic too early, but it seems I've bricked my 5D2 with 3288e15 build :o
I tried to obtain correct framing with mlv mode like it was on earlier builds. I tried different settings and seems last setting before bricking was turning on extra hacks. Now it just doesn't turn on with or without CF card.