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Messages - peter.scharff

Hi  g3ggo I've been testing with a CF to ZIF adapter that has IDE, then from IDE to SATA via a converter, then to a Kingston 64gb SSD and WD 160GB HD, my results are :

When Zif/Ide adapter is powered : SSD :

props at : 0x000000000
cbr at :0x00AA304C

When ZIF/IDE adapter is not powered :SSD

props at : 0x000000000
cbr  at:0x00AA311C

When Zif/Ide adapter is powered : WD 160GB HD :

props at : 0x000000000
cbr at :0x00AA30BC

When ZIF/IDE adapter is not powered :WD 160GB HD

props at : 0x000000000
cbr  at:0x00AA2F8C

So it looks like the camera is seeing the devices, time for some dirty hacks to enable the camera to really use them now ;)

I also tried also to get windows to see all the above by using a USB CF card reader it didn't see anything, and the active light didn't light up on the reader.
Quote from: Grunf on May 19, 2013, 09:51:51 PM
P.S. As 5Dmk3 uses UDMA7, I think using ADA-COMPACTFLASH-EXTENDER-0430FPC-DMA would be better solution as it's printed two-ply cabling can support fast(er) clock speeds.

Yep Grunf, I posted links to both versions but just used the photo from the basic version if you look :)

Yep I sent of a mail too, lets see whats happens, I like the idea of being able to close the 5D III flap I hope this works out, either way there is a little microswitch when the flap closes senses the card door shut if you push in this microswitch it lets you use the cards with the flap open if you hold it in, so you can use cards with the card door open.
Quote from: g3gg0 on May 19, 2013, 04:25:07 PM
yep, and this IDE/SATA adapter:

Yep g3gg0 that was the converter in my previous pic, but forgot to mention it was bi-directional ;)

So who is going to try this ??

CF to SATA is not really any use to me as I'm a photographer but thought I would try and help here and I like a seeing things move forward and help solve a problem, and also it's one that could change filmmaking .......

This solution to getting out of camera may be better and may allow you to then close the flap on the camera, I think this would work any ideas???

The CF ribbon cable would have to be a short as possible to avoid data loss.......


The secondary board would not be used but would then connect to the ADA-FLEX-45P below.



Then add any IDE to SATA converter.
Raw Video / Re: RAW Digital Cropped Video on 5D3
May 16, 2013, 02:38:04 PM
This is more closer to the 10x canon zoom magnification you see when previewing a zoom .............. happy days !!!

Now being able to select different zoom/crop ratios via a menu would be the next huge step for ML :D
Yes I've suggest this also too Marsu42, main reason being I would like a dedicated button to open the flash menu (straight to ratios menu), some options are buried way to deep to work with how I like to work on my 5D III.
Reverse Engineering / Re: Flash prop
April 08, 2013, 09:18:07 AM
Sorry to crash the party here guys, but I was reading this post with interest, would finding these setting help with implementing a ml dedicated flash menu that is easy to navigate to via a user defined button shortcut ? instead of the long winded approach canon has buried deep within their menus, Canons implementation really breaks my flow while shooting and setting up ratios.

I did a feature request some time ago and a1ex mentioned it wasn't possible as of yet here :

If this now possible could you look at implementing the above request, I'm sure it would be a much loved feature for us that use Flash while shooting,

Thank all :)
I know it's a long shot, but would it be possible to use an Eye-Fi card to give other cameras 6D wireless features ?
Yep already done that but its so long winded still :- canon menu,External speedlight control, scroll down (4 clicks), Flash function settings.
Its really breaks my flow in setting my speedlights up and config them while shooting, any how I wont push it as I know your a busy man a1ex and you've probably got more important things to focus on :)
Thanks for the reply A1ex, I understand now, what about mapping a key say the rate key on the 5d mark 3 to open up the canon 'flash functions settings' in the 'External Speedlight control' menu, that would be a helpful. Maybe a global shortcut's feature from certain buttons to open up certain canon menus, could that be implimented ?
lol yep I do see your point a1ex heh, although you have the freedom to create a good user experiance :P looks are not in my opinion important, shortcuts and a clean fast workflow is important to myself, not halting the creative flow when on a shoot and having to change a setting thats buried deep within a set of menus ;)

So is it possible or are you sending my ass to hell with the feature request ?? heh

Hi A1ex Iv'e just purchased four Yongnuo YN-622 trancievers that work ettl and in manual mode via RF to control speedlights all reports are these are amazing and save a shed load of cash than buying the new RT Speedlights,you can control them via the Canon's menu to do ratios and groups etc, only thing is although the speedlight menus on Canons camera is workable its not to user friendly, is it possible to create a shortcut and new easy to program/edit menu for control of the speedlights ??

Keep up the great work....

Edit : Here is a link for a review