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Messages - ivanchang

Archived porting threads / Re: First 7D alpha released!
October 17, 2012, 05:51:34 AM
Thanks to g3gg0:

Magic Lantern Alpha is available on my 7D,

Quote from: ivanchang on October 15, 2012, 06:20:46 PM
My camera firmware 2.03

use Original battery

I update sequence is as follows

1.Update camera firmware to 2.0.3 again

2.Format my CF card

3.Remove CF card

4.copy alpha 1 firmware to  CF Card

5.Update firmware to 7D000203_ML.FIR

but my camera  canot loading alpha 1 firmware

Is still the old firmware :'(


Can not be used Factors that communication with the battery
Archived porting threads / Re: First 7D alpha released!
October 15, 2012, 07:25:05 PM

the battery is original..

i don't know , why ?

the camera can't check this battery...@@  all battery

The camera may be a problem

"Cannot communicate with battery use this battery?"

Archived porting threads / Re: First 7D alpha released!
October 15, 2012, 07:05:37 PM
i used Original battery
Archived porting threads / Re: First 7D alpha released!
October 15, 2012, 06:20:46 PM
My camera firmware 2.03

use Original battery

I update sequence is as follows

1.Update camera firmware to 2.0.3 again

2.Format my CF card

3.Remove CF card

4.copy alpha 1 firmware to  CF Card

5.Update firmware to 7D000203_ML.FIR

but my camera  canot loading alpha 1 firmware

Is still the old firmware :'(


Archived porting threads / Re: First 7D alpha released!
October 15, 2012, 03:15:02 PM
i canot update alpha firmware :-\