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Messages - Franzkekko

Modules Development / Re: 14bit RAW DNG silent pics!
September 09, 2013, 10:19:45 PM
Hi folks!  :)
I did a timelapse test this afternoon to try capturing a sunset, silent Pictures + ETTR + Deflicker with XMP sidecar.
I set 400 shots and all seemed ok, except that then in post with lightroom it imported just first 212 shots and gave me an error opening last 187 pics.

Same error trying to open DNGs of the second part of tl with UFRaw, ACR or RawTherapee.

Do anyone know what may be the trouble? :)

Working DNG and XMP:

Don't Working DNG with related xmp

P.S. don't look at the pole, i'm planning to take it down with a saw  8) :D ;D
Thanks in advance! ;)
guys what's the new way for shooting sunrise/sunset  timelapse without bulb ramping?
With ETTR + XMP Deflicker Sidecar + SilentPicture DNG ... how do I "have to" set the camera?
Do ETTR change shoot values or only arrange exposure into XMP file?

1) Sunrise: it's better to set exposure lower or higher than 0?

2) Sunset: same question   :D

Thanks in advance!  ;)
Hi guys, I'm not able to found a tool to convert DNG files from ML to a readable format.
On google I'm able to find only tips about converting RAWvideo two DNG.
I tried RAW2dng but don't worked, as I expected it's for movie RAW file.


Thanks in advance!  ;)

Update: I've been able to open it with RAWTherapee and with UFRaw ;) B-|
Hi all! I have a 550d camera and I was wondering if it's possible as in other camera to have the possibility of saving my raw with a small jpeg version of the shot. In my camera I can set raw+jpeg buy it's a full resolution 18mpx image. I need them in low res for fast previewing on PC without processing.
May be that possible in future? Should be useful for time lapse footage? :-)
Thanks in advance ;-)
Compliments for the really good!
Well done Mindogas  8)
hey mr.vijayaraghavan i found this thread in the forum... ;)

Mindogas developed a software in visual basic that i must say it works really good. The directory for download is  8)
but say thanks after trying his software. 

Ciao ciao  :)
General Chat / Re: Hello Im new here
January 14, 2013, 06:36:05 PM
Hi Bob, what about you? What's your camera model? Do you have magic lantern? :-)
Well so you say the problem may be that the SD shouldn't be in the camera bit in an externar SD reader.  :) i'll try it  then at home.
For  your problem you should download net framework from Microsoft website (search it on google you'll be brought to the right page).
Let me know, I'll do the same for my problem ;-) thanks Mr
Hi all, I tried to use .422 images, but in my SDcard nothing is being saved  :-[ i have downloaded the converter tool linked in usermanual, but I think I should see files to move them in my pc  :o ;D If I set in live view setting the option .422preview, iI can see the last shot taken, but there are no files on sd  ??? also, should I have to see all .422 images or only the last one?
Do someone can help me?  :)
Thanks by now ;)
thanks indeed! and a bit of luck  for the the desired composition ::)
Feature Requests / Re: Video Recording without lens
October 14, 2012, 12:35:36 PM're right.  ;D that's embarassing... delete this post  :o  ;D

I'm often using my little 18-55mm as a reverse lens to freeze wonderful macro photos. I was taking a mite eating a spider and i was in live view; i swear i could see it breathing, because it's back was inflating and deflating. I turned the selector to Video Mode and the camera returned me an error "no lenses found" (or similar, i'm italian so the message was in my language).
I really desired to shoot some seconds of the scene, will be possible in future?  :) should be great!
Share Your Photos / Audio Remote Shoot - Ball Bouncing
October 14, 2012, 12:04:31 PM

IMG_8709 di franzkekko, su Flickr

I took this snap with my Canon 550D and ML :) i set a low value for Audio remote shot and threw a ball near the camera in a pre-focused area; the sound made the camera shot and capture it's bouncing :)
I used a Yongnuo 560ii flash set to strobo flash. SO, the result is a single perfect photo with the same ball freezed several times.

Bye  ;)