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Messages - silvertonesx24

I have had this bug for a long time on all of the newer ML builds. I stick with 2/15/14 which doesn't have this issue. It is somehow related to HDMI output/monitoring. If you don't use a monitor, you'll be fine.
So I have about a 5-6 min take, which covered several split MLV files. I rejoined them to a 20.39gb MLV file using the cat commands in terminal. When I try to convert this to DNG- only MlRawViewer will read the file- and then only partially- the first 1526 frames.

Based on where it fails, it looks like something got corrupted on the handoff from the first split file to the second. I tried rejoining the files just in case- still nothing. Is there anything I can do to recover the rest of the video? Is there anything I can do with M00, M01, M02 files?
I also get the cannot "connect to server error as well", quite often. The problem seems to be when the operation chokes on certain MLV files. There is no indication of why it chokes on these files, and the only way I can tell is by adding groups of MLV files to a folder to find the one that eventually crashes FUSE.

A crash log is below, let me know if you need any more
Would it be possible to integrate this workflow with split files- like M00, M01, M02, etc?
For his specific shoot, it was obviously not the right camera going into it.

I use raw ML for for 90% of my shoots- which are all paid and professional- no cat or tree videos. The other 10% are the ones that I know I don't have the time and money going into it, so I don't use the camera.
Still an HDMI tearing issue, as of May 12th build. When using an HDMI monitor, image tearing will appear. 5DII.
Raw Video / Re: Raw video on 5DMK2
April 08, 2014, 02:09:21 AM
If anyone's interested, here's the commercial I shot with ML Nightly 3/30

Yes! Son of Batch was my preferred raw converter, great to see it out for MLV!
Raw Video / Re: Raw video on 5DMK2
April 05, 2014, 07:03:11 PM
Quote from: reddeercity on April 04, 2014, 09:46:21 PM
I founded a very stable build from the nightly that I trust for paid work with out question !  Feb16th link below:
Changeset: 536fbadfcc312939ba6af7d812c8cf1025ca1050
Its rock solid with HDMI and still has the 1872 option(continuous too) , as I sad I trust this for work, I never try new build for work as there is also issues  & the chance of failure
is too great. I torture test the raw builds for at lest a day, if it can handle being recorded 5 time in a row (full 64GB card) it a keeper. ;)

Ok great I'll have to try this out! I did test the Mar 30th nightly for the shoot, but I didn't with the HDMI monitor we used, and I guess that threw a glitch in that causes the processor to overload on lots of motion and cause the tearing. I left black level on considering that I've had black level problems in the past, but it made all my footage pink (but it's a relatively easy fix, as I said)
Raw Video / Re: Raw video on 5DMK2
April 04, 2014, 07:00:05 PM
Quote from: SS on March 31, 2014, 11:55:17 PM
So yeah,
I just lost a day worth of footage because of this pink frame bs.
Whoever decided an unknown new feature called "fix black level" should be turned on as default... Thanks. I will be checking the menus every time from now on.

I just shot a commercial on the Mar 30 nightly build. Stupid idea, and never again. I keep trying and trying MLV builds, and I keep having problems. OCT26th A.D. build for 5D is rock solid, but the HDMI crash bug on that one drives my camera op nuts.

All my footage came out pink as well. Use exiftool to fix the dngs with this command: Exiftool –BlackLevel=1791. No need to re-shoot.

Second, every shot that had any kind of motion has atrocious tearing of the image. This occurs when the HDMI monitor is plugged in. Fortunately, due to the aesthetic of the commercial, I can use Twitch to cover up the tearing, so our huge dolly rig wasn't completely to waste. One or two shots cannot be used this way and are ruined.
Quote from: Jpb1138 on March 18, 2014, 11:01:46 AM
IS there a plan to allow outputting to a certain folder on the hard disk, instead of simply placing the new DNG folder in the same place as the original MLV file? Basically so we could go straight from the CF card and output to our hard disk, without having to transfer the whole CF card to disk then converting... Thanks for making it easier to work with MLV..

I agree with you. I just can't find the perfect MLV build for professional work. It is both too finicky and removes features that I like, like the buffer status (but no huge graph) and recording start beep.

No worries though, raw in Oct 24th is great, only thing is the HDMI monitor crash bug but at least I know the workaround. I will be sticking with that one for a while I think.
This works great on Mac, I was wondering if there could be an option to select what folder the DNGs are exported to? It currently just dumps it in the same folder as the source, so it can't really be used when converting directly off the memory cards.
Might there be a way to run a small process to continuously track the used space? Maybe through the file manager? I don't think we need accuracy down to the second/megabite, just a rough approximation of how much we can shoot until a card swap is needed.
Feature Requests / remaining card space update frequency
February 17, 2014, 08:50:17 PM
Is there any way at some point to more frequently update the space remaining after each raw take? Or maybe even calculate the actual time remaining roughly based on the average data rate for the selected resolution.

I know if you cycle the camera sometimes it'll update but right now I've been working blind and dumping the card anytime I suspect that a take may be interrupted due to running out or having a supervisor track the space for each take.
Another vote for mac here
Quote from: reddeercity on January 07, 2014, 04:07:39 AM
Try the from the nightly build it's a lot more stable. I use the from A.D. build Dec.30/13 & the rest comes from Jan 1st nightly build.
I didn't find any issue with MLV, I always have hdmi evf connected , yes its a little slower but that will get better.
I don't need any overlays so maybe that why it works for me. My Evf has all the overlays etc.. that I need.
Just wondering what's is your CF card  what Frames size did you record in  & the buffer fill method.
On MLV format?

Yes- I have Komputerbay 64gb cards that will max out around 75MB/s or so. Aside from some annoying warm-up issues, they're generally very reliable. I record in 1856, 16:9. I dropped to 1728 1.85:1 halfway through the shoot though to get some more speed. I will try your suggestion for today's test shoot.
Quote from: ted ramasola on January 07, 2014, 02:16:49 AM
for those having issues with overlays, framing guides and other info disappear when recording using MLV raw video. Go to MLV menu  and turn DISABLE G.DRAW to ON.

I know, its mislabeled and I was wracking my brains as I thought turning it on would do as it say, but it actually does the opposite and DOES NOT turn Gdraw off when it is ON.

Hope a developer can change this.  :)

Nice find. I prefer global draw to be disabled while recording to squeeze every possible bit of speed and stability out of the camera. But when I toggle the option, global draw does indeed turn off when I start recording, but it does not toggle back on after I stop (I have to reboot the camera to get it back)
I tested the Dec 30 build with audio filming b camera for a live show for a friend- it seems to have come out OK, but the build is too buggy to use for any serious work- mostly that the global draw doesn't turn off and some recordings just stop instantly and require a camera reboot. Oct 24 is still the one to use, for professional paid work at least. Too many corrupted outputs on the new one, slower speeds, and random file stops for now for me to move to MLV.

Is it possible to use regular old raw with audio at some point?
Quote from: Kharak on December 21, 2013, 12:45:25 AM
Looks extremely good!

Are you using some anamorphics in some of the shots? Noticed the bokeh being all nice and vertical.

I do use anamorphic often, but in this case I was using the Vid Atlantic anamorphic filter.
Quote from: PressureFM on December 20, 2013, 09:26:41 PM
Looks great but it suffers heavily from lipsync here?

Thanks! I'm not sure what's up with that as it seems to be a vimeo thing. The source file is perfect, as well as the YouTube upload.

Filmed almost entirely in raw using AD's October 24th build. I felt like I took a risk shooting 10-15min interview sessions in raw, but everything held up perfectly.

One or two hacked GH2 shots in the B roll. Graded with ColorGhear
Is there any way the card space remaining monitor can be updated in real-time? Or some log be kept so that we can know exactly how much space is remaining on the card? It's pretty much the only thing left in the way of using raw on a professional shoot, because I have only a vague idea of when the space is going to run out.
With raw, does it even matter what ISO we've set?
Quote from: raf702 on September 13, 2013, 11:22:52 PM
So external monitors or evfs dont work properly with raw recording on the 5d2 or 5d3? I was about to pull the trigger on an evf too.

I don't know about the 5d3, but the 5d2 is definitely shaky with raw and HDMI. If you are planning on shooting anything more serious than random tests, I would not use it at this time.