Magic Lantern Forum

Using Magic Lantern => General Help Q&A => Topic started by: Soflo101 on August 12, 2013, 05:36:20 PM

Title: ML firmware installed but no record module?
Post by: Soflo101 on August 12, 2013, 05:36:20 PM
I've successfully installed ML firmware on my Canon 5dii and accessed the ML menu on my camera. I do not appear to have a record module section on the menu which will allow me to access and run the RAW record module. All documentation says to go to the "M" under the ML menu and activate the RAW record module to in order to record in RAW.

I've tried two different versions of the ML download, one that has a "module" folder, and one that came without a "module" folder. Either one, neither lets me access or use the RAW recorder.

Any help?