Magic Lantern Forum

Developing Magic Lantern => Feature Requests => Topic started by: thecheekyscamp on June 21, 2013, 01:27:04 AM

Title: [DONE] Swap U-V for stills
Post by: thecheekyscamp on June 21, 2013, 01:27:04 AM

Sorry if this has already been asked, I searched and couldn't find anything.
I have an IR modded 550D and the Swap U-V feature for movie recording is really handy for false colour video straight from camera.
Is it possible to add this function to still modes as well as  movie? ideally as a shooting option, or just in liveview preview.
Title: Re: Swap U-V for stills
Post by: calypsob on June 22, 2013, 01:13:36 AM
i too would be interested in this feature
Title: Re: Swap U-V for stills
Post by: a1ex on June 22, 2013, 08:17:19 AM
Remove the movie mode checks from source code and it will work.

It just doesn't make sense from a UI standpoint. If I put it in display menu (common to photo and movie), it will alter the recorded movies, but not the photos (so it makes sense to be there for photos, but not for movies).

IIRC there was a way to swap U-V on the display side (that means, colors in menus will be swapped too).
Title: Re: Swap U-V for stills
Post by: thecheekyscamp on July 03, 2013, 07:18:43 PM

thanks for your reply, i'm not sure i understand what you mean though. Is it impossible for the stills mode to capture with the channels swapped? Would still be handy to be able to preview what the end result might look like
Title: Re: Swap U-V for stills
Post by: Scuba on September 19, 2014, 01:12:46 PM
Was there any progress in this option? I'm using a 500D and would be very keen on it activated in still mode as I don't use the movie mode on this camera. Even a short now to uncheck in the source code or a link telling me how to do it would be great! Thanks guys
Title: Re: Swap U-V for stills
Post by: a1ex on September 19, 2014, 01:20:03 PM
Look in the Display menu.
Title: Re: [DONE] Swap U-V for stills
Post by: Scuba on September 19, 2014, 05:30:56 PM
I couldn't find the option in display options.
I tried video mode where the channels are swapped it gives what I'm after just like swapping the channels in Photoshop the recorded video is saved with the swap but even if I take a photo mid way through the video it is saved without the channels swapped.
Is it possible to edit to sorce code to allow it in images also? This would be very useful if it can be as I don't always have the luxury of being able to adjust in Photoshop