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Showcasing Magic Lantern => Share Your Videos => Topic started by: yourboylloyd on April 11, 2020, 01:39:38 PM

Title: Shooting at max ISO on purpose!! 5D2 - RAW - MLVAPP
Post by: yourboylloyd on April 11, 2020, 01:39:38 PM
Hey everyone,

I shot this music video parody at ISO 6400 on purpose. The talent wanted the footage to look grainy and I've always wanted to try it to see what it would look like.

Canon 5D2 handheld 10bit 1856x1044
Samyang 24mm 1.4 & Canon EF 50mm 1.4
MLVApp -->Prores

WARNING: This video has some strong language! NSFW
(in case youtube doesn't work) :

A couple of things

Let me know what you think! I'll try it in 12 bit next time :D
Title: Re: Shooting at max ISO on purpose!! 5D2 - RAW - MLVAPP
Post by: Bender@arsch on April 11, 2020, 02:15:11 PM
The problem is simply to high iso. You can see here.

The best iso for 5D Mark II is 100, 160, 320, 640 and 1280. Because you loose to much dynamic range.
Maybe you can try low the shutter speed or you need light^^

Photographic Dynamic Range (log2(EV)) = PDR

ISO 100 = 9,14 PDR
Iso 1280 = 7,58 PDR
ISO 6400 = 5,5 PDR
Title: Re: Shooting at max ISO on purpose!! 5D2 - RAW - MLVAPP
Post by: Frank7D on April 12, 2020, 08:12:14 AM
How did you do the fireworks? That was cool.
Title: Re: Shooting at max ISO on purpose!! 5D2 - RAW - MLVAPP
Post by: yourboylloyd on April 12, 2020, 11:54:34 AM
Quote from: Frank7D on April 12, 2020, 08:12:14 AM
How did you do the fireworks? That was cool.

Thanks. I just youtube'd "Green Screen Fireworks" and just threw it back there lolol. I can't believe some comment-ers think that it's real.
Title: Re: Shooting at max ISO on purpose!! 5D2 - RAW - MLVAPP
Post by: Kharak on April 12, 2020, 03:11:04 PM
Been a couple years since I shot with my mkii. But i recall the 5d2 didnt go past 1600 ISO, anything above is digitally pushed in camera, but the anolog gain in the raw file is the same across 1600->3200->6400 (Or it was 3200 max). But feel free to correct me if I am wrong.


Shooting raw, the ISO is only affected by by the Analog gain meaning ISO 100, 200, 400, 800 etc. ISO 160 is a digital pull from iso 200, 320 is a digital pull from iso 400 etc, these intermediate ISO's do not translate to the final file, you can see it in effect by using RAW zebras, there will be no exposure change between iso 320 and 400.

And I cant play the video on my phone, but my phone is pretty messed up.
Title: Re: Shooting at max ISO on purpose!! 5D2 - RAW - MLVAPP
Post by: reddeercity on April 13, 2020, 08:50:22 AM
@Kharak  , spot on ! correct .
The only analog ISO are 100, 200, 400, 800 & 1600 , all the rest is pushed or pulled ISO digitally .
The other 160 ISO etc. ... are for Jpeg or h264 video as canon does magic in the compression routines , (noise reduction , etc. ..)

Quote from: Bender@arsch on April 11, 2020, 02:15:11 PM
The best iso for 5D Mark II is 100, 160, 320, 640 and 1280. Because you loose to much dynamic range.
Maybe you can try low the shutter speed or you need light^^

Photographic Dynamic Range (log2(EV)) = PDR
ISO 100 = 9,14 PDR
Iso 1280 = 7,58 PDR
ISO 6400 = 5,5 PDR

Will no ,  that's not right -- from a1ex's CMOS/ADTG/Digic register investigation on ISO  (
Canon 100 ISO = 11.25 DR
ML tweak 100 ISO -> 81 ISO = 11.80DR

Canon 1600 ISO = 10.6 DR
ML tweak 1600 ISO -> 1432 ISO = 10.75 DR
(these are approximation of the DR from the image posted)

So I never go over 800 ISO , 1600 far too noisy , @yourboylloyd
If you want grain just add it in post , 5D2 responses very well with "Film Convert" plugin
I use it FCPX , I use the "RED MX" Camera profile seems to be very close to the 5D2 with film grains
My too cents .

Al though you would have got a cleaner image out of Adobe After Effects with ACR .
When it comes to high ISO (1600)ACR does the best job .


Title: Re: Shooting at max ISO on purpose!! 5D2 - RAW - MLVAPP
Post by: Skinny on April 13, 2020, 03:48:01 PM
It was actually very cool. I thought there would be much more noise at that high ISO. What did you use for noise reduction?

I also use 5D2 now, and I noticed that you can get significantly less noise in the shadows if you shoot at a higher ISO and then lower the exposure in MLVapp by -1 for example. Of course, the dynamic range is lost, but sometimes it's ok..
Title: Re: Shooting at max ISO on purpose!! 5D2 - RAW - MLVAPP
Post by: yourboylloyd on April 13, 2020, 09:42:24 PM
Quote from: Kharak on April 12, 2020, 03:11:04 PM
...i recall the 5d2 didnt go past 1600 ISO, anything above is digitally pushed in camera, but the anolog gain in the raw file is the same across 1600->3200->6400 (Or it was 3200 max).

Quote from: reddeercity on April 13, 2020, 08:50:22 AM

from a1ex's CMOS/ADTG/Digic register investigation on ISO  (
Canon 100 ISO = 11.25 DR
ML tweak 100 ISO -> 81 ISO = 11.80DR

Canon 1600 ISO = 10.6 DR
ML tweak 1600 ISO -> 1432 ISO = 10.75 DR
(these are approximation of the DR from the image posted)

So I never go over 800 ISO , 1600 far too noisy , @yourboylloyd
If you want grain just add it in post , 5D2 responses very well with "Film Convert" plugin
I use it FCPX , I use the "RED MX" Camera profile seems to be very close to the 5D2 with film grains
My too cents .

Al though you would have got a cleaner image out of Adobe After Effects with ACR .
When it comes to high ISO (1600)ACR does the best job .

Thanks for the info! I purposely shot at a high iso just to see what it was like though. I normally never go above ISO800 anyway. We were on a time crunch for this video, and I usually go MLVApp to ACR... but MLVApp to h.264 is way faster. And it's even faster if I have the noise already there instead of using the cpu to generate it.

It was overall a fun experiment. But I'm so glad I found out about the best iso ranges from you guys!

Title: Re: Shooting at max ISO on purpose!! 5D2 - RAW - MLVAPP
Post by: yourboylloyd on April 13, 2020, 09:45:17 PM
Quote from: Skinny on April 13, 2020, 03:48:01 PM
It was actually very cool. I thought there would be much more noise at that high ISO. What did you use for noise reduction?

I also use 5D2 now, and I noticed that you can get significantly less noise in the shadows if you shoot at a higher ISO and then lower the exposure in MLVapp by -1 for example. Of course, the dynamic range is lost, but sometimes it's ok..

I didn't use any noise reduction. There were a lot of hot pixels though so I had to use MLVApp to fix those. But all of that was straight ISO 6400! (except the fireworks shot)

I did notice however that the corners suffered more noise on the 50mm lens. Perhaps because of Canon's Pref Illum Correction digitally pushing the corners even more. I'm not sure.
Title: Re: Shooting at max ISO on purpose!! 5D2 - RAW - MLVAPP
Post by: cmh on April 15, 2020, 09:32:07 AM
Watched the stuff till the end, bare hands. Your jokes cracked me up. That's was pretty surreal I'll be honest.
Stay safe.
Title: Re: Shooting at max ISO on purpose!! 5D2 - RAW - MLVAPP
Post by: yourboylloyd on April 15, 2020, 05:08:17 PM
Quote from: cmh on April 15, 2020, 09:32:07 AM
Watched the stuff till the end, bare hands. Your jokes cracked me up. That's was pretty surreal I'll be honest.
Stay safe.

Thank you so much haha!