Magic Lantern Forum

Using Magic Lantern => General Help Q&A => Topic started by: JasonATL on August 07, 2012, 06:42:56 PM

Title: QScale or high CBR?
Post by: JasonATL on August 07, 2012, 06:42:56 PM
I'm curious as to which setting gives the potential for the "best" (least artifacts, smoothest gradations) recording: QScale or a high CBR.

Having experimented with CBR, I understand that at high values, say 3.0, it might cause the camera to stop recording, especially in sunlight. And, with some material, I've seen improvements with my 600D. But, I'm about to install on a 5D Mark II and am curious if others who might have experimented more than me or understand the CBR vs. VBR issue better than me might weigh in.

It seems that QScale set to -16 might offer the best quality, but I don't quite understand the User Guide's comment "(don't use it!)" Does this mean not to use QScale? If there is a feature, why say not to use it? Would QScale at -16 be better than CBR 3.0?

Title: Re: QScale or high CBR?
Post by: scrax on August 07, 2012, 08:07:59 PM
use CBR and remember higher ISO lower CBR value.
You need to make some test and find a good reliable value for your card.
For example on a C4 card I have it set to 0,6 to record without camera stopping (and video are terrible but i can use that for tests)
on my "fast" C10 card i can go to 1,7 to bein safe zone, more up I go more risk that camera will stop recording.