Magic Lantern Forum

Using Magic Lantern => Raw Video => Raw Video Postprocessing => Topic started by: mozq on March 11, 2015, 09:17:18 AM

Title: PP-AE-SG Workflow
Post by: mozq on March 11, 2015, 09:17:18 AM
Hello, i'm bit confused about my workflow:

Shot some Raw footage, RAW to DNG, then in AE used ACR to correct my footage - exported as DNxHD 444 10 bit.

So what i am looking for is nondestructive workflow, for example i edited my DNxHD in PP then opened this project in AE to do some FX, then i want to move to SpeedGrade to do final grading.
MY questions are:

1)Is there any quality loss while i'm exporting from AE and SG? (i mean i converted DNG to DNxHD for editing in PP and then again when i finished my FX in AE and then i will be exporting my project from SpeedGrade)

2) I've read that its better to do final render from AE and SG but not PP since its max output is 10 bit while AE and SG supports 16 and 32 bit depth but does it really matter since i am working with DNxHD 444 10 bit codec and not DNG?

My specs are:
Windows 7 x64
PP/AE/SG - CC 2014
Title: Re: PP-AE-SG Workflow
Post by: poromaa on March 12, 2015, 02:52:36 PM
Quote from: mozq on March 11, 2015, 09:17:18 AM
but does it really matter since i am working with DNxHD 444 10 bit codec and not DNG?

I believe it may do, since the footage may not be 10bit anymore if you have applied filters or pushed it in any direction (example, use 8bit gradient, blur it and export it will give better result in 32 bit than in 8bit even though the original was in 8bit)

I have tried your roundtrip and I really didn't like the intermediate export of all footage before cutting. Thats why I have used MLFSE to virtually mount the MLV-files to dngs (no loss).
However since premiere can't really handle dngs, and speedgrade seem to become reeeeealy slow when using adobe-link from premiere (if the source is dngs from MagicLantern) I have abandoned the adobe world for a while.

Right now my workflow is:
1. MLFUSE dir of MLV to virtual dir of DNGs
2. Import dng-sequences into Davinci resolve,
3 Cut, Color, deliver to prores

No intermediate format. "Only" drawback is all AE dependency (like effects etc). For scenes like this I have roundtripped those scenes separately.

If one likes premiere better to edit in, one can do the edit there, and then xml-export to davinci and render the Prores from davinci (with or without color grading).
Title: Re: PP-AE-SG Workflow
Post by: mozq on March 15, 2015, 10:14:11 AM
Thanks for answer.
Yeah, i tried ur workflow as well, but i had problems with launching resolve 11.