Log movie start time with fractions of second (poor man's time code)

Started by PhilFree, May 26, 2016, 03:27:48 PM

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Hi everyone!

Would it be possible to store movie recording start time in a more precise manner with frame number?
That could be stored into the log file that MOVIE_LOGGING is writing. Currently there is:
Start          : 2016/05/23 14:49:21
but it could be in timecode format like:
Start          : 2016/05/23 14:49:21.25

This could help to synchronize for multiple camera setups. In the beginning on shooting session one would take each camera and make a brief record of a screen with running time code - "master timecode" (e.g. an application on smartphone, or may be ML one day will generate such screen from current time).
Then on the PC we open the first frame of time code recording. On the screen we have the value of master time code. In the log file we have value of time on that camera. Now all we have is to calculate the difference between these two and, using that difference, create correct time code for all the clips, that were recorded from that camera in that shooting session (this probably could be accomplished by ffmpeg and some bash scripting or a simple application).

Sure, this will not be precise - after some time of shooting there will be 1 frame difference, then 2 frame and so on. But should be ok for 1-2 hour shooting, when 100% precision is not important.

Of course, it would be cool, it cameras could just sync they time by themselves - with audio time code (do I understand correctly, that only on some models it's possible to generate or analyse the sound), or may be by generating bar/QR codes on the LCD screen and shooting this code with another camera - but this will require a lot of programming effort. But above approachi seems to be simple and efficient - or am I missing someting?



I like the idea, I was just reading this topic http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=1088.0 (Running two cameras in sync?) and
thought about buying 2 Canon to create a 3D DSL Rig for photo & video if ML had sync features (I could try to make an app for smartphone or the desktop workflow tools but I don't know annything about ML's code...).

What you describe could be ok for video and photo shooting but not traditional photo shooting with hands though..