One separate channel on LV

Started by damian.jableka, May 02, 2016, 09:39:19 AM

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Hey guys!
This is my first post, I use ML for few years on 50D.
Sometimes I took astrophotos  by 30/4500 refractor (yes 4,5 meters), It has very strong chromattic abberation, red is focusing arount 10mm after blue.

My sugesstion:
Is it possible to show only one channel in LV: R, G or B? and change from one to another. If such things is possible then it will be possible to make 3 photos each focused in different channel and mix them in postprocessing, or in future in ML.

English is not my native language, so sorry for language mistakes.



Should be doable with the "display filter" interface, from the raw data. Frame rate will be a little slow, though.

Code examples: raw video preview, defishing, dual iso preview, some custom focus peaking modes (FEATURE_FOCUS_PEAK_DISP_FILTER) that are not enabled by default in ML builds because they are too slow...