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Topics - KelvinK


Sensor: Effective pixels 24.2 million pixel APS-C CMOS (total number of pixels 25.8 million pixels)
Dual Pixel CMOS AF
ISO Sensitivity: 100-25600
Shutter speed: 1 / 4,000 to 30 seconds, bulb, maximum flash synchro shutter speed 1/200 sec
Continuous shooting: up to about 9fps in Liveview, 7 fps (at the time of AF follow-up?)
Video: Full HD 60p
5-axis electronic image stabilization
EVF: 236 Man dot
3.2 inches 1.62 million dot touch panel movable LCD
Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b/g/n)
Bluetooth (4.1)
Battery: LP-E17
Memory card: SD / SDHC / SDXC card (UHS-I compatible)
Size (W x H x D): 115.6 x 89.2 x 60.6 mm
Weight: about 380g (body only), 427g (including battery ยท SD card)

With RAW we've terrific sharpens and detailed scenes, but on other hand we get strobe effect in 24p 1/50 in high contrast scenes when camera moves and sometimes it looks very visible distracting.

I was searching web, this is common issue for many cameras with good sharpens shooting in 24p.

Have you guys have any thoughts how to remove or at least make it less visible? Setting aperture to 1/30 helps a bit, but doesn't look like solution because if scene is fast enough there's too much blur.

General Help Q&A / WB key assigment
March 25, 2016, 01:52:29 PM

Is it possible to assign ML WB custom set (using grey card) function to some button, for example AF-ON?

General Chat / A7SII king of the mountain?
September 11, 2015, 01:39:29 PM
Well, they did it again or how things should be done. There're no compromises now.

1. 5 axis IS
2. S-LOG3
3. Internal 4k
4. 120p 1080p same quality as A7s 24p 1080p
5. View assist when shooting SLOG (long time implemented in ML, cheers Sony)
5. Everything else hard to judge on paper, especially claimed new level of AF

What left to make it dream video DSLR?  IMO only 4:2:2 internal and higher bitrate codec. Codec can be improved in firmware. I think it remains at 100Mb/s only by a reason Sony doesn't  have time to test it speeding up new releases to be ahead.
General Chat / A7RII - Sony owned everyone again?
June 11, 2015, 03:46:38 PM
Regarding to the specs, both photo and video - this is ultimate camera for now and price tag is 3200.
Looks like everything customers asked, they just put in one body now.
0.78x EVF - 5Axis stab in body - SLOG2 - 4k in camera - 100MB/S - BSI Censonr - No aliasing - FASTER AF for CANON!s LENS :)
Hardware and Accessories / SD>CF adapters
June 04, 2015, 03:18:10 PM
Anyone tried SD to CF adapter for RAW video in 5D?
SD Sandisk card 250MB/s read/write speed costs same as CF Sandisk with 160/150MB/s and it's 20$ less then Lexar's 1066x (160/150MBs).
Since RAW recording is so much consuming space, you can run out space in a filed pretty quick. When shoot some scene like i know it will last for example max 7 seconds, but sometimes (often) i'm not near the camera to turn off recording right on time, so it will record 1-3 seconds more that's 150-300MB waste of space. So literally, can we add limit for time (or frames) when RAW recording will stop automatically.

Duplicate Questions / Request: ETTR for the RAW 2:20
February 04, 2015, 08:57:54 AM
When ETTR calculate exposure it uses fully 1920x1080. But since we've many cameras that use much less portion of the frame for recording, is it possible to calculate it for actual frame size in RAW? We often put bright objects (sun, lamps) at the top for example - out of the frame, so it doesnt effect on recorded frame, but ETTR logically calculate these bright objects as part of the frame.
Basically idea to calculate ETTR from the frame size with crop-marks for example 2:20 or 2:35.

Feature Requests / Request: Crop mode OFF option (RAW)
February 03, 2015, 10:28:35 AM
Would be really helpful addition to make CROP mode recording OFF option in RAW.

I mean, when you press magnify to check focus, to record video without crop we've to press magnify several times until it's in normal mode and only after this you can press record button.
Having option that allow after pressing record button instantly switch LV to normal mode from magnified and record without crop would be really great and speed up process. Basically add an option to make it work same as it works with non-RAW recording.
I might be wrong for other cameras, but on 6D it works like this. It's often when I'm in rush (get focus and press record asap) losing shots, because it start recording in crop.
